Friday, May 14, 2010

Giving in

This is a very misleading title. I could mean giving in to the kids, giving in to a great purchase, or giving in to just about anything. What I really mean is, giving in to being ill. I remember trying deal with the family, especially the boys when I had a cold or the flu etc. Not fun!  Little ones didn't get it. If I got up showered and dressed, then the hubby didn't think I was that sick. So one thing I learned is if I am feeling really bad, quit trying to manage as usual and "give in" to being sick.

Stay in your jammies and don't get out of bed. Dad will figure out that he is going to have to stay home and deal with the kids. Yesterday was day #2 of a really nasty cold.  I had gone to bed pretty early the night before. Yesteday morning I just didn't wake up with the alarm. When I finally did awaken, my hubby had already texted the boss to say that I was too sick to go to work. I literally stayed in bed all day. I slept most of the day. Today I feel great!  Although there are no children at home any more,  I did to do this when they were home.

The point is, whether you think this is possible or not, NO ONE in the house will think you feel that bad if you get up and do as you always do. Then at the end of the day and you feel like you are dieing your only thought is, "How am I going to do this tomorrow?"

Stay in bed. Let them take care of you. When you feel too sick to get up, don't! You will feel better so much sooner and everyone will be happier for it!

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